



Start planning your next holiday

Introducing the JTI Travel Guide, a website designed to inspire and guide global travelers with personalized recommendations. In collaboration with CircleSquare, we’ve created an interactive experience that connects users to nine destinations based on their travel preferences. At the heart of the packaging design is a sense of place, reflecting the brand’s global nature and connection to travel. This website aims to inspire consumers to explore the world, sharing travel tips and activities to help users discover their ideal destinations and embark on memorable journeys.

Scan, discover, and explore

After scanning a QR code, users arrive at the Travel Guide website. They answer five questions about their travel preferences by choosing one of two options. Based on their answers, they receive recommendations for three cities from a selection of nine destinations. An interactive landing page provides detailed information about each recommended city, including places to stay, things to do, dining options, nightlife, and transportation tips. Users can also download a PDF with this information to take with them on their travels. The nine available destinations are Abu Dhabi, Battambang, Bordeaux, Cappadocia, Chiang Mai, Da Nang, Melbourne, Penang, and Singapore.

To ensure the Travel Guide is easy to manage and expand, we’ve built it in a modular way that supports adding new destinations. A centralized database of locations ensures consistency across all activations. The content can be easily updated, and PDFs are generated based on content blocks, eliminating the need for individual PDF designs and allowing for limitless variations.

Personalized travel recommendations

The profiling questions assess a user’s preferences across various travel categories, including accommodations, activities, and dining. Based on their answers, users are categorized into one of three traveler typologies: City Explorer, Culture Council, or Night Owl. Each typology is associated with three specific destinations. For instance, a user identified as a Culture Council will be recommended Abu Dhabi, Bordeaux, and Chiang Mai.


With the JTI Travel Guide, discovering your next adventure has never been easier. Offering personalized city recommendations and travel insights, the website helps you plan a journey that matches your preferences. Whether you like to eat with the locals, visit every museum, or go wild in a nightclub, the JTI Travel Guide helps you find the perfect destination for your next trip. Start your journey today and explore the world!

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Postcard Experience | Airport App